五月丁香 为爱豆的恋情买保障?官方:这些险种永别法
发布日期:2024-10-10 15:03 点击次数:80
China's insurance watchdog has come out against the "love insurance" products sold online in the country, labelling them as "fake" policies. 中国保障监管机构露面提醒群众不要购买采集销售的“恋爱险”家具,称其为“罪恶的”保障家具。
Chinese mainland's many such quirky online insurance policy peddlers do not have the authorisation to sell these products. 中国大陆好多仙葩保障家具的销售方并莫得得回销售此类家具的授权。
Customers who buy such policies might make a certain amount, usually several times their initial payment, if they successfully predict how long a couple will date. 要是能到手瞻望出一双恋东谈主的恋情能守护多久,购买这种保障家具的客户就能赚上一笔,一般能达到付款的数倍。
In a post on its website on Monday, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission named one such policy concerning popular Chinese teen idol Lu Han, whose announcement about a relationship led to a rare breakdown of the servers at social media platform Weibo. 中国保监会周一在其网站上发布了风险指示,其中提到了“鹿晗恋爱险”。鹿晗是中国青少年的东谈主气偶像,他公布恋情后,导致新浪微博宕机。
勾引处男Tens of thousands of his heartbroken fans left messages expressing their disappointment over him not being available any more. 数万名伤心的粉丝纷纷留言,抒发关于他不再独身的失望之情。
When Lu Han announced his relationship in a Weibo post last year, some Taobao shops rolled out a "Lu Han love insurance" priced at 11.11 yuan per policy. 旧年鹿晗在新浪微博公布恋情时,一些淘宝商家就推出了“鹿晗恋爱险”五月丁香,每份11.11元。
Purchasers could get double their money if he was still dating his girlfriend a year later. 要是这段恋情捏续率先1年,商家将会双倍赔付。
People's Daily said in a commentary last month that "love insurance" and similar products were something akin to gambling, rather than insurance policies. 《东谈主民日报》上月发表评证据,“恋爱险”及访佛家具并非保障家具,更像是在赌博。
"These 'love insurances' involving celebrities are not insurance products as they do not meet the requirements listed in China's Insurance Law," said the commission. 中国保监会称:“公世东谈主物‘恋爱险’并非保障家具,不顺应《保障法》限定”。
Internet companies are increasingly using Chinese youngsters' craze about entertainment events and personalities as a marketing tool to promote their products and services. 互联网公司越来越多地欺诈中国年青东谈主关于文娱事件和公世东谈主物的豪恣来实施它们的家具和劳动。
In 2014, the so-called night owl insurance, valid for 30 days during the Fifa World Cup in Brazil, drew rave reviews from among the Chinese mainland's internet users. 早在2014年巴西寰宇杯工夫,采集上就曾出现过所谓的“夜猫子险”,有用期为30天。这款家具受到网民醉心。
The insurance product covered medical and emergency expenses for soccer fans who might push themselves to the limit during late-night matches for 3 yuan. 用户只需破耗3元便可购买这种保障家具,它障翳了球迷熬夜看球可能出现的进犯医疗支拨。
"China's financial market is still a regulated market, with authorities playing a powerful role in judging the legality of businesses," said Wang Feng, chairman of Shanghai-based financial services company Ye Lang Capital. 上海Ye Lang成本金融劳动公司的董事长王峰(音)暗意:“中国的金融市集仍然是一个受到监管的市集,监管机构在评判业务正当性上推崇着紧要作用。”
"The joke type of products such as 'love insurance', although describing themselves as innovative products, will be eradicated sooner or later." “尽管自夸为立异家具,但访佛‘恋爱险’这么的仙葩家具旦夕会被算帐。”
泉源:新西兰前驱报、 环球网 翻译&编审:yaning五月丁香